Coordinator Beneficiary

Research Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystems of the National Research Council (CNR - IRET)
It studies the structure, functioning and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems and the interactions of biotic and abiotic components also in relation to global changes and anthropogenic pressure. Particular attention is paid to the different levels of organization, function, metabolism and evolution of the biome, to ecosystem services and their implications on environmental quality and human health. The analysis of the stresses generated by changes in climate and land use, pollution and increasing urbanization on biodiversity (microbial, plant and animal) and on the structure, fertility and resilience of the soil, forms the basis for the study of adaptations and mitigation strategies also on the socio-economic level.
Contact person for LIFE SPAN project:
Bruno De Cinti –
Local and scientific partners

Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Forestry and Wood and Research Centre for Policy and Bioeconomy (CREA)
The Council for Research in Agriculture and Analysis of Agricultural Economics (CREA) is the leading Italian research organization dedicated to the agri-food supply chains. It operates as a legal entity under public law, and is supervised by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies (Mipaaft). Its scientific activity covers agricultural crops, livestock, fishery, forestry, agro-industry, food science – and socio-economics. It has full scientific, statutory, organizational, administrative and financial autonomy. CREA was established in 2015, from the merging of CRA (Council for Agricultural Research) and INEA (National Institute of Agricultural Economics), two country-wide institutions active since mid of last century”.
CREA will participate in the project with two Centre: the Research Centre for Forestry and Wood and the Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy.
The activity of the Research Centre for Forestry and Wood is focused on the sustainable management of forests and forest plantations, with particular attention to forest ecology, forest genetic resources, biodiversity management and conservation, and for the valorisation of wood and non-wood products of forests and forest plantations.
CREA Unit Leader Fabrizio Ferretti -
The Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy develops cognitive and interpretative analyses of economic and social dynamics related to the agri-food, forestry and fisheries sectors. The main institutional activity is the analysis on the trend of the agro-food system, the in-depth analysis of the sector and the analysis of the functioning of the supply chains. It has participated in several LIFE projects such as Soil4life, Ada, Resirrigation.
CREA Sub Unit Leader Umberto Di Salvatore -

European Forest Institute (EFI)
The European Forest Institute is an international organization made up of 29 EU member states, with 120 associated and affiliated organizations in 38 countries.
The activities concern research and policy support on forest related topics.
It aims at:
- facilitate and stimulate the creation of forest-related networks and promote the dissemination of impartial and relevant information on forest and forestry policies;
- support forestry research and the use of scientifically sound information as a basis for forestry policies;
Political support activities include strong support for decision makers and policy makers.
EFI hosts the EU FLEGT Facility which supports the The Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) process in developing countries, linked to the implementation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan.
EFI also hosts the EU REDD Facility, which supports partner countries in improving land use governance as part of their efforts to slow, stop and reverse deforestation.
Contact person for LIFE SPAN project:
Andreas Schuck -

Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG)
The Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia is active in the forest management sector through the Forest Service, the Forests Cops and the Forest Inspectorate all part of the Central Directorate for Agri-Food, Forestry and Fisheries Resources.
It manages the forest nurseries and the forest heritage owned by the Region, is responsible for the implementation of regional forestry policy, including the support and promotion of activities in the forest-wood sector, training, dissemination and education on forestry and the environment, the organisation of the Regional Forestry Corps and forest fire prevention and extinguishment activities.
Contact person for LIFE SPAN project:
Giusepppe Vanone -

University Würzburg (UNIDE)
The University Würzburg is a public university of the federal state Bavaria and the landowner of the forests in Sailershausen. The working group of Prof Jörg Müller, Fieldstation Fabrikschleichach, is one of the most experienced scientific groups in Central Europe in improving habitat quality for saproxylic insects, birds, bats and fungi in temperate forests on a scientific base. The group has much practical experience in the implementation of deadwood habitat features in forests. In specific, it has created the scientific baseline for the conservation concepts in managed forests of the Bavarian State Company. Additionally the group has scientifically based improved the management of forests in national parks and other set-asides by developing new techniques in the interface between pest and biodiversity management, e.g. by bark scratching in spruce forests. Moreover the group has published a number of reviews and original research studies how to implement most cost-effective deadwood management in forests, including specific studies on minimum thresholds for biodiversity in forests and the value of habitat trees. To spread the scientific knowledge to the real world the group is publishing regularly short guidelines for practitioners in German. The head of the university forest Hans Stark has long term experience in forest planning and management for different purposes, including conservation in forests.
Contact person for LIFE SPAN project:
Jörg Müller -

D.R.E.AM. Italia Cooperative Society
DREAm Italia is a Cooperative Society made up of experts in the forestry, naturalistic and environmental sectors. It was established in 1978 and since then achieved important experiences in forest planning in the Tuscan territory starting after to operate with its own projects throughout Italy. Its activities are always aimed at sustainable management, addressing the areas relating to rural development, naturalistic conservation, the prevention of environmental disasters and landscape restoration.
Currently the society has 40 members, mainly graduates in the forestry, geological and naturalistic sectors, and 30 collaborators. In the last years it has focused on the conservation of species and habitats of community interest both by participating in LIFE projects, and through the implementation of management plans for Natura 2000 sites.
Contact person for Life SPAN project:
Marcello Miozzo -
Partner responsible for the communication

Compagnia delle Foreste s.r.l. (CdF)
Compagnia delle Foreste (CdF) is a private company specialized in communication and innovation for the forest and environmental sector. Since 1995 publish “Sherwood - Foreste e alberi oggi” a forestry magazine with national distribution and carries out dissemination activities in collaboration with local administration and research institutes. Specifically CdF has focused on plantation, wildfires, precision silviculture and partnership for carbon credit compensation. Within these topics workshops, seminars, training courses were organized together with the publishing of manuals, brochures, maps, websites and videos.
CdF developed and managed websites for LIFE and non-LIFE projects and held the only Italian online library dedicated to the forest sector (
In the last years CdF is involved as responsible partner for the communication in various LIFE projects: PProSpoT, InBioWood, SelPiBioLife and AForClimate; and collaborated in the realization of dissemination project for other LIFEs: SummaCop, Carbomark, FreshLife and FutureForCoppices.
Contact person for Life SPAN project:
Paolo Mori -